Dedicated to Quality, Integrity and Excellence.

In Iridology we specialize in digestive health, stress, blood sugar imbalances and energy levels. However it doesn’t matter what the issue is if you help the body restore balance you can address most concerns.

We treat...

Stress, Anxiety & Adrenal Fatigue 100%
Digestive Issues, Colitis, IBD 100%
Sugar Imbalance 100%
PMS, Menstral Pain 100%
Sleep Issues 100%
UTI's & Urinary Issues 100%
Fatigue 100%
and More 100%

What to expect in a Consultation?

We start with a look at the eyes. What genetics and constitution do you have? Next is a look at your tongue and a conversation on what symptoms you are experiencing and what runs in the family. 

Once your current imbalances are determined recommendations are made to help the body rebalance while identifying and eliminating the root causes. Interestingly these root causes very often align with what the eyes indicate constitutionally.

A consultation may incorporate traditional assessment tools such as pulse analysis, or applied Kinesiology (muscle testing). At the end of the appointment you will have the next steps to take and an understanding of why you may experience certain issues. Being proactive can help avoid or delay chronic illness and by focusing on the root causes of imbalance using a variety of tools such as energy work, herbs, supplements, nutrition, and the mind state we can support the body in achieving optional health and wellness.


Iridology tells us individual personality traits and constitutional strengths or weakness in the body. The eyes do not tell us what is currently wrong in the body, any diseases you may currently have or if that condition has reversed. They only indicate areas to monitor so that we can avoid illness. Most often the areas of imbalance in an individual will correspond with what the eyes indicate are genetic predispositions.
